One and One Make Five

Writers - Tennant/Lowe
First released - 1993
Original album - Very
Producer - Pet Shop Boys, Stephen Hague
Subsequent albums - (none)
Other releases - (none)

A desperate plea to a lover to provide assurances, both to the narrator and to their gossiping friends and acquaintances, that their love is still alive and well. He wants the rumors to be proven as false as the idea that "one and one make five." The sense of urgency conveyed by this song in its classic uptempo Europop setting gives it an almost happy sound—and indeed its outcome would well be happy if the protagonist's best hopes for a positive response from his lover are realized. It's that ambivalence—the uncertain outcome, the blend of hope and fear—that gives this marvelous song much of its power. That and a smashing great arrangement, one of the best on the Very album. (Chris would probably agree with this assessment; he himself has reportedly said of it, perhaps with just a touch of hyperbole, "musically it's a masterpiece.") Yet, curiously, this track seems relatively unpopular among PSB fandom in general.

Incidentally, that's the Boys' assistant at the time, the late Dainton Connell, doing the "here we go, here we go" bit. The same audio snippet of his voice appears in the obscure track "Here Comes the Bear," which Chris recorded with Dainton during this same general period in PSB history. It's uncertain, however, which of the two tracks was actually recorded first.



Officially released

Official but unreleased

List cross-references